Welcome to my blog!


Michelle Pitot

Five years ago I was cruising along in miserable auto-pilot when I survived a life-threatening event. Thereā€™s nothing like becoming acutely aware of death to make you face your life. Since that day Iā€™ve made many external changes in my lifeĀ but itā€™s the internal ones that matter to me the most. Thatā€™s what this blog is about.

The stories on these pages are from my life but none of us is unique. If any of my narratives speak to you, cause you to wonder, to think, to laugh, maybe even make a change in your own life, then my job here is done. But please donā€™t just read my words ā€“ tell your own story too. Stories create connection, awaken feelings, give voice to thoughts and realities too often hidden.

All of us have a story to tell and it is in telling our stories that we alter reality. These pages are born out of my life mission to change the world. I invite you to speak up, write it down, reach out to others… and change your corner of the world as well.


Women as team

One of my guilty secrets is that I watch ā€œThe Biggest Loserā€ while Iā€™m working out on the treadmill, something I usually donā€™t talk about in my real life. Because reality shows in general are

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19th leaning
Holiday Life

This is one of those Christmas seasons destined to be discussed in therapy. Maybe by me and my life partner Lori, but undoubtedly by our four year old son Ben. Tonight Iā€™m scheduled to leave town on

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As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. -Marianne Williamson (1)

Other latest
posts on my blog

Connecting with Purpose

It is through our relationships with others that we get to fully experience ourselves ā€“ for better or for worse -- whether itā€™s with a partner or friend or parent or child or even a dog.
5976195 police car
Awake. Aware.
On Purpose.
1613140 teenage girl with no gesture   white background
It's a complete sentence.
7613954 Womens Football
Thoughts On Not
Blowing My Life